Capture React Native SDK

Captures 360° interior and exterior views of a product with hotspots.


  1. NPM Installation
npm install


Extra dependencies need to be installed via npm install @react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll @react-native-community/slider react-native-camera react-native-fs react-native-orientation-locker react-native-vector-icons react-native-video react-native-vision-camera react-native-async-storage deprecated-react-native-prop-types

iOS dependencies need to be installed via pod install


import { SafecamCapture } from "";

const MySafecamCapture = () => {
  return (
        steps: [
            slots: [
                action: {
                  captureType: "Video",
                  title: "image-capture",
                  sourceType: "DeviceCamera",
                key: "exterior-360",
                postprocessingServices: [
                    service_id: "image_extraction",
                title: "Closed Door Spin",
                slotItems: [
                    title: "Slot-item-1",
                    availableActions: [
                        captureType: "Image",
                        title: "image-capture-2",
                        sourceType: "DeviceCamera",
                    title: "Slot-item-2",
                    availableActions: [
                        captureType: "Image",
                        title: "image-capture-2",
                        sourceType: "DeviceCamera",
                postprocessingServices: [
                    service_id: "image_extraction",
                title: "Open Door Spin",
            title: "Spin",
            slots: [
                action: {
                  captureType: "Image",
                  title: "exterior-spin-1",
                  sourceType: "DeviceCamera",
                title: "Engine Bonnet View",
                action: {
                  captureType: "Image",
                  title: "exterior-spin-2",
                  sourceType: "DeviceCamera",

                title: "Boot Inside View",
                action: {
                  captureType: "Image",
                  title: "exterior-spin-3",
                  sourceType: "DeviceCamera",

                title: "Roof-Sunroof",
                action: {
                  captureType: "Image",
                  title: "exterior-spin-4",
                  sourceType: "DeviceCamera",

                title: "Infotainment System",
                action: {
                  guide: true,
                  captureType: "Image",
                  title: "exterior-spin-5",
                  sourceType: "DeviceCamera",

                title: "Left Side View",
            title: "Exterior Manual",
        title: "SOP Sample",

export default MySafecamCapture;


Main Props

Property Type Default Required Description
productID string undefined Yes A unique identifier denoting the current product
sop SOP undefined Yes SOP definition


Property Type Default Required Description
title string undefined Yes The title denoting the SOP
steps Step[] undefined Yes Array of step definitions


Property Type Default Required Description
title string undefined Yes The title of the step
slots Slot[] undefined Yes The slots present in each step


Property Type Default Required Description
title string undefined Yes The title of the slot
action Action undefined Yes The Action to be executed on the slot
key string undefined Yes Defines the type of action (for the viewer & gallery)
postprocessingServices ServiceAction[] undefined no A list of post processing services
slotItems SlotItem[] undefined no A list sequential actions to be executed on a slot (NOTE: slotItems take precedence in providing action to a slot)


Property Type Default Required Description
title string undefined Yes The title of the slotItem
availableActions Action[] undefined Yes The available actions (limited to 1 for now) on a particular slotItem


Property Type Default Required Description
service_id string undefined Yes A unique identifier denoting the service


Property Type Default Required Description
vision boolean false no Flag to use vision camera
guide boolean false no Flag to use static image guide on camera preview
title string undefined Yes The title of the action
captureType string undefined Yes The type of capture. Supported values "Image" / "Video"
sourceType string undefined Yes The source of the capture. Supported values "DeviceCamera" / "IPCamera" / "Ricoh"